Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Related Products to WooCommerce?

How Do I Add Related Products to WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 20, 2023 @ 5:32 am

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you may want to add related products to individual product pages. Related products can encourage customers to buy more than one item from your store, and can help increase your average order value.

There are a few different ways to add related products to WooCommerce pages. One option is to use the default WooCommerce related products function.

This will automatically display related products on your product pages based on the tags and categories of the current product. If you want more control over which products are displayed as related, you can use the WooCommerce Product Table plugin. This plugin lets you hand-pick which products to display as related, and lets you display them in a table layout with additional information such as price, image, and stock status.

To use the default WooCommerce related products function, simply go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products and select the Show Related Products option. You can then choose how many related products to display, and whether to show them in columns or rows.

If you’re using the WooCommerce Product Table plugin, go to Products > Product Tables. Create a new table or edit an existing one.

Then scroll down to the Related Products section and select which products you want to display as related. You can also choose how many columns to display the related products in, and whether to show additional information such as price, image, and stock status.


There are two main ways that you can add related products to WooCommerce pages – using the default WooCommerce function, or by using the WooCommerce Product Table plugin. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for your store. Whichever method you choose, adding related products to your product pages can help increase your average order value and encourage customers to buy more than one item from your store.

PRO TIP: When adding related products to WooCommerce, be sure to only add products that are relevant to the product being displayed. Adding too many unrelated products can result in a cluttered and confusing store.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.