Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add Video to WooCommerce?

How Do I Add Video to WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:34 pm

Adding video to WooCommerce is a great way to improve the user experience on your site. Videos can help explain products and services in a way that text and images cannot, and they can also be used to show off your products in action.

There are two ways to add video to WooCommerce: by using the built-in video feature, or by using a third-party video plugin.

The built-in video feature allows you to upload videos directly to your WooCommerce store. To do this, go to the product page where you want to add the video, and click on the ‘Add Video’ button. From here, you can upload your video or enter the URL of a video hosted on another site.

The second way to add video to WooCommerce is by using a third-party video plugin. There are many plugins available that allow you to add videos to your products, and they vary in terms of features and price. Some of the more popular plugins are:

PRO TIP: Adding video to WooCommerce can be tricky and may result in decreased performance or broken functionality. Be sure to test thoroughly before adding video to your WooCommerce site.

WooCommerce Product Videos: This plugin allows you to upload videos directly to your WooCommerce store, and also provides support for YouTube, Vimeo, and other popular video sites.

YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier: This plugin adds a zoom effect to your product images, and also allows you to add videos to your product pages.

Video Thumbnails: This plugin allows you to automatically generate thumbnails for your videos, and also provides support for custom fields so you can add videos to any post type.

In conclusion, adding video to WooCommerce is a great way to improve the user experience on your site. There are two ways to do this: by using the built-in video feature or by using a third-party video plugin.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.