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How Do I Change All the Fonts in Figma?

Last updated on March 21, 2023 @ 10:25 am

There is one simple way that you can change fonts in Figma. That is to use the Text section in the Design tab.

To do this, first, select the text element that you want to change.

NOTE: You can choose to select just one text element or the whole design. If you select the whole design, then all the fonts of your text elements will be changed so be sure to take note of that.

Next is to go to the Text section under the Design tab on the right panel and select the “Font Family” field.

In the list of font names that will appear, you can select the font that you want to use.

Figma has a lot of Font Style options that you can use. If you’re preparing a formal presentation for your company or business, then you might want to consider classic fonts such as Arial, Courier New, and Times New Roman. All of these fonts are available in Figma.


On the other hand, if you want to add a touch of elegance to your presentation or design, then you might want to consider cursive-type fonts such as Lucida Handwriting, Dancing Script, Euphoria Script, and Imperial Script. Most cursive-type fonts in Figma usually have the “Script” word at the end of their names so you might want to look out for those.

NOTE: If you are creating a document or piece of stationery that needs to convey an air of elegance, then a cursive font may be a perfect choice.

You can also add some style to your font style using the Fill, Stroke, and Effects sections.


PRO TIP: If you change the font in Figma, simply go to the Text section to change your font. Be sure you want to change all the fonts before proceeding.


In conclusion, there are a few different ways that you can change fonts in Figma. You can change them individually for each text element, or you can change them globally for your entire project. Whichever method you choose, Figma makes it easy to customize your fonts to match your project’s unique style.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.