Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change Attributes in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change Attributes in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:10 pm

When it comes to eCommerce, few platforms are as versatile and feature-rich as WooCommerce. This popular WordPress plugin turns any WordPress site into a fully functioning online store.

One of the great things about WooCommerce is that it offers a ton of customization options. This includes the ability to change product attributes on the fly. In this article, we’ll show you how to change product attributes in WooCommerce.

Product attributes are essentially extra bits of data that you can add to a product. For example, if you were selling shirts, you might want to add an “Size” attribute to each shirt listing. These attributes can then be used to filter products on your store, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

In WooCommerce, there are two types of product attributes: taxonomies and custom fields. Taxonomies are essentially categories for products, while custom fields are more like individual pieces of data (think of them as “meta data” for products).

Both taxonomies and custom fields can be used to filter products on your store. However, taxonomies have the added benefit of being able to be displayed on the front-end of your store (for example, in a product category widget).

PRO TIP: When making changes to product attributes in WooCommerce, be sure to take a backup of your site first. Additionally, be sure to test your changes on a staging site before making them live on your production site.

WooCommerce makes it easy to change both taxonomies and custom fields for products. In this article, we’ll show you how to change both types of product attributes in WooCommerce.

How to Change Taxonomies for Products in WooCommerce

Taxonomies in WooCommerce can be changed from the Products > Attributes section of your WordPress admin panel. Here you’ll see a list of all the default taxonomies that come with WooCommerce (product categories and tags), as well as any custom taxonomies that you’ve added.

To change a taxonomy, simply click on its name in the list. This will open up a form where you can edit the name, slug (URL friendly version of the name), and description for the taxonomy.

How to Change Custom Fields for Products in WooCommerce

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.