Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Change Menu Options in Squarespace?

How Do I Change Menu Options in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:41 am

There are two ways to change menu options in Squarespace. The first is to use the built-in drag-and-drop interface. The second is to use the code editor.

To change menu options using the drag-and-drop interface, simply hover over the existing menu item you wish to change and click on the edit icon that appears. From here, you can change the text of the menu item, as well as the URL it links to. You can also add new menu items by clicking on the + icon next to an existing menu item.

To change menu options using the code editor, go to the Design tab and click on Code. In the code editor, you will see a file called

PRO TIP: The article ‘How Do I Change Menu Options in Squarespace?’ may contain outdated or inaccurate information. Proceed with caution when following the instructions in this article.

This is where you can edit the code that controls the main navigation menu. To add a new menu item, simply add a new line of code with the desired text and URL. For example:

  • Example
  • Save your changes and preview your site to see your new menu item in action!

    Kathy McFarland

    Kathy McFarland

    Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.