Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Change My Checkout on Shopify?

How Do I Change My Checkout on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:06 pm

There are a few ways to change your checkout on Shopify, and each has its own benefits. You can either use the built-in Shopify checkout, or a third-party checkout like Amazon Payments or PayPal.

If you’re using the built-in Shopify checkout, you can change your checkout settings by going to your shop’s admin page and clicking on “Checkout.” From there, you can change your shop’s currency, country, and shipping options.

PRO TIP: If you are considering changing your checkout on Shopify, be aware that this could have a negative impact on your business. Your customers may be confused by the change, and it could result in lost sales. Proceed with caution and make sure to test the new checkout thoroughly before making it live.

If you’re using a third-party checkout like Amazon Payments or PayPal, you can change your checkout settings by going to your shop’s admin page and clicking on “Settings.” From there, you can change your shop’s payment gateway and shipping options.

Which option is best for you will depend on your shop’s needs. If you need more control over your shop’s checkout process, the built-in Shopify checkout is a good option. If you need an easier way to accept payments, a third-party checkout like Amazon Payments or PayPal is a good option.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.