Web Design » Figma » How Do I Change the Auto Layout in Figma?

How Do I Change the Auto Layout in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:25 pm

There are a few different ways to change the auto layout in Figma. You can use the Layout Grid, change the Size of objects, or use Constraints.

The Layout Grid is the most basic way to change the auto layout in Figma. To access the Layout Grid, select the object you want to change the layout for and then click on the “Layout” tab in the Inspector. From here, you can change the number of columns, gutter size, and alignment.

PRO TIP: When changing the auto layout in Figma, be aware that this may affect the position and size of other elements on the page. Make sure to check the positions of all elements after making any changes to the auto layout.

If you want more control over the auto layout, you can use Constraints. To add Constraints, select the object you want to constrain and then click on the “Constraints” tab in the Inspector. From here, you can add constraints for width, height, position, and rotation.

You can also change the Size of objects to change the auto layout. To do this, select the object you want to resize and then click on the “Size” tab in the Inspector. From here, you can enter new values for width and height.

changing the auto layout in Figma is a simple process that can be done using a variety of different methods. The Layout Grid is the most basic method, but if you need more control over the auto layout, you can use Constraints or change the Size of objects.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.