Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change the Color of My Cart in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change the Color of My Cart in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 23, 2023 @ 12:21 pm

If you’ve ever wanted to change the color of your WooCommerce cart, there are a few easy ways to do so. By default, the cart is white, but you can easily change that to any color you want. Here are a few ways to change the color of your WooCommerce cart:

1. Change the color in your theme’s settings.

If you’re using a WooCommerce-compatible theme, there’s a good chance that you can change the color of your cart from within your theme’s settings.

For example, if you’re using the Storefront theme, you can go to Customize > Colors and then change the color of the “Cart” setting. This will change the color of your cart throughout your entire store.

2. Change the color with CSS.

If you’re comfortable working with CSS, then you can change the color of your WooCommerce cart by adding a bit of CSS to your site. For example, the following CSS code would change the color of your cart to red:

.woocommerce-cart {
    background-color: red;

3. Change the color with a plugin.

If you don’t want to mess with code, there are also some plugins that will let you change the color of your WooCommerce cart. For example, the Woo Custom Cart Page plugin lets you easily customize the look of your cart page, including changing the background color.

4. Use a custom WooCommerce template.

Finally, if you’re comfortable working with code and want even more control over how your WooCommerce store looks, you can create a custom WooCommerce template. This will require some coding knowledge, but it will give you complete control over every aspect of your store’s design.


These are just a few ways that you can change the color of your WooCommerce cart. If you’re not comfortable working with code, then using a plugin is probably the best option. But if you want complete control over how your store looks, then creating a custom WooCommerce template is the way to go.

PRO TIP: If you are using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress, there is a setting to change the color of your shopping cart. However, this setting is for the frontend only, and will not affect the color of your shopping cart on the backend.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.