Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Change the Footer Color in Weebly?

How Do I Change the Footer Color in Weebly?

Last updated on December 27, 2022 @ 6:38 pm

There are many ways to change the footer color in Weebly. One way is to go to the “Design” tab and then click on the “Custom CSS” link. From there, you can add a custom CSS rule to change the color of the footer.

Another way to change the footer color is to use the Weebly Theme Editor. To do this, go to the “Theme” tab and then click on the “Edit HTML/CSS” button. Find the code for the footer and then change the background color property.

Finally, if you want to change the footer color on just one page, you can add a HTML widget to that page and insert a code snippet that changes the color of the footer.

To style text in HTML using tags, you will need to use the “style” attribute. The code might look something like this:

<div style=”background-color: #000000;”>My Footer</div>

This code would make the footer background color black. You can also use a CSS color name, such as “red” or “blue”, instead of a Hex code.

It’s important to note that changing the footer color will depend on the theme that you are using. Some themes may have pre-defined footer colors that cannot be changed, while others will allow you to customize the color as desired.

We hope this blog post has helped you learn how to change the footer color in Weebly. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Weebly support team. They are always happy to help.

PRO TIP: Weebly is a popular website builder that allows users to create and customize their own websites. One of the features that Weebly offers is the ability to change the footer color.

However, it is important to note that changing the footer color can potentially cause problems with your website’s design. If you are not careful, you may end up with a footer that does not match the rest of your website’s color scheme. In addition, changing the footer color may also affect other elements on your website, such as the background color or the text color.

Therefore, it is important to be careful when changing the footer color in Weebly. Make sure that you understand how this change will affect your website’s design before you make any changes.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.