Website Building » Joomla » How do I change the logo in Joomla?

How do I change the logo in Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:53 am

Changing the logo in Joomla is not as difficult as one might think. In fact, there are a few different methods that can be used. The quickest and simplest way to change the logo is to use the Joomla logo editor.

This tool is located in the Site → Extensions → Logo menu. Once opened, you can drag and drop the new logo file into the designated spot.

PRO TIP: If you are not a trained Joomla administrator, changing the logo in Joomla can cause serious problems with your website. Only change the logo if you are sure you know what you are doing and have made a backup of your site beforehand.

If you would rather not use the logo editor, there are also a few other methods that can be used. One way is to use the Joomla logo importer. This tool can be accessed from the File → Import → Logo menu. Once opened, you can browse to the location of the new logo file and click on the Open button.

Another method is to use the Joomla logo changer. This tool can be accessed from the Tools → Options → Site menu. Once open, you can select the logo you would like to change and click on the Change Logo button.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.