Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change the Registration Page in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change the Registration Page in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:07 pm

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It comes with a lot of features and settings that can be customized to meet your needs.

One of those settings is the option to change the registration page. By default, WooCommerce uses the WordPress registration page. However, you can change it to a custom page using a few different methods.

The first method is to use a plugin. There are many plugins available that will allow you to change the registration page.

One of the most popular plugins is called WooCommerce Custom Registration Page. This plugin allows you to create a custom registration page and then set it as the default registration page in WooCommerce. To use this plugin, simply install and activate it, then follow the instructions on the plugin settings page.

The second method is to change the registration page URL in WooCommerce. To do this, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced.

On the Advanced Settings page, look for the “Accounts” section and then click on the “Change my account page” link. On the next screen, you will be able to enter a new URL for the registration page.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with code or do not feel comfortable making changes to your site’s code, we recommend contacting a WooExpert or developer for assistance. Making even a small mistake when editing code can break your site.

The third method is to edit the code in your theme. If you are comfortable editing code, then this method may be for you.

First, you need to create a new page template for your custom registration page. Then, you need to edit the functions.php file in your theme and add a few lines of code to tell WooCommerce to use your new template for the registration page. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the WooCommerce documentation.

Which method you choose will depend on your needs and comfort level with editing code. If you want a simple solution with no code editing required, then using a plugin is probably the best option. If you are comfortable editing code, then changing the registration URL or editing your theme files may be better options for you.

There are multiple ways that you can change the Registration Page in WooCommerce depending on your level of comfort with coding. The easiest way is by using a plugin, while changing the Registration URL or editing your theme files requires some coding knowledge.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.