Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Convert Text to Paths in Photoshop?

How Do I Convert Text to Paths in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:56 am

Converting text to a path is a helpful technique in Photoshop that allows you to manipulate the shape of text by turning it into a set of points. This can be useful for creating custom text effects or for cutting out text from an image. In this article, we’ll show you how to convert text to paths in Photoshop.

To convert text to a path, first select the Type tool from the Toolbar. Then, click on the canvas and type out some text.

With the text layer selected in the Layers panel, go to Type > Convert to Shape. This will bring up a dialogue box with options for converting the text layer.

In the dialogue box, choose Create Work Path from the drop-down menu. This will create a path from the text that can be edited like any other path in Photoshop. Click OK to close the dialogue box.

You can now edit the shape of the text by using the Direct Selection tool. Select the Direct Selection tool from the Toolbar and then click on the path.

You’ll see that anchor points appear around the perimeter of the path. These anchor points can be moved to change the shape of the path.

To add more anchor points:

With the Direct Selection tool still selected, hover your mouse over the perimeter of the path. When you see a small plus sign appear next to your cursor, click and hold down the mouse button. Then drag your mouse along the path to add more anchor points.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, converting text to paths can be a difficult task. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and always save a backup of your original image before attempting to convert text to paths.

To delete anchor points:

With the Direct Selection tool still selected, hover your mouse over an anchor point. When you see a small minus sign appear next to your cursor, click and hold down the mouse button. Then drag your mouse away from the anchor point to delete it.


Converting text into a path is a great way to manipulate text in Photoshop. It’s easy to do and gives you a lot of control over how your text looks. So next time you’re looking to create some custom text effects or cut out text from an image, remember to convert your text into a path first!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.