Web Design » Figma » How Do I Create a Dropdown in Figma?

How Do I Create a Dropdown in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:07 am

Designing a dropdown in Figma is a breeze! The first thing you need to do is select the component you want to use as your dropdown trigger.

For this tutorial, we’ll use a button. Then, add a frame below the button and give it a height of 24px.

Next, create a rectangle inside the frame and give it a height of 20px and width of 100%. Then, add four more rectangles inside of the first one and give each a height of 20px. These will be your dropdown options.

Now, select the button and go to Interactions > On Click > Set State. Choose the frame you created as the element you want to Target and set the state to “open”. This will ensure that when the button is clicked, the dropdown will appear.

Finally, go to the frame’s states panel and create a new state. Call it “closed” and make sure that the Opacity property is set to 0%. This will ensure that when the button is not clicked, the dropdown will not be visible.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, we recommend that you seek professional help before attempting to create a dropdown. Figma is a powerful design tool and getting the wrong advice could lead to frustration and wasted time.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a dropdown in Figma.

How Do I Create a Dropdown in Figma?

Designing a dropdown in Figma is easy! Simply select the component you want to use as your dropdown trigger, add a frame below it, and give it a height of 24px.

Then, create a rectangle inside the frame with a height of 20px and width of 100%, and add four more rectangles inside of that one with each having a height of 20px.

Next, select the button and go to Interactions > On Click > Set State. Choose the frame you created as the element you want to Target and set its state to “open”.

This will ensure that when the button is clicked, your dropdown will appear. Finally, create a new state for your frame called “closed” and make sure that its Opacity property is set to 0%. This will hide your dropdown when the button is not clicked.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.