Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Create a Product in WooCommerce?

How Do I Create a Product in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:22 pm

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you probably want to know how to create products in WooCommerce. It’s actually pretty simple to do, and there are a few different ways to go about it.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create products in WooCommerce, step by step.

Creating products in WooCommerce is simple, whether you’re adding a single product or multiple products at once. For this example, we’ll add a single product.

First, log into your WordPress admin dashboard and go to Products > Add New. You’ll be taken to a page where you can enter the details of your product.

Start by entering a product name and description. Then, scroll down to the ‘Product Data’ section and select a product type. If you’re not sure what type of product you’re adding, select ‘Simple product’.

Once you’ve selected a product type, fill in the rest of the ‘Product Data’ fields as needed. This includes things like the price, SKU (stock keeping unit), shipping details, and more. Be sure to fill in all the required fields (marked with an *) as well as any other relevant fields.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to create a product in WooCommerce, be aware that there are some risks involved.

First, remember that WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform. If you are not familiar with how to use it, you could end up making a mistake that could cost you money.

Second, when creating a product, be sure to fill out all the required fields correctly. If you do not, your product may not be listed properly on the site, or it may not be visible to potential customers.

Third, take care when choosing the images for your product. Make sure they are high quality and representative of the product you are selling. Poor quality images could turn potential customers away from your product.

Finally, remember to proofread your product descriptions carefully before publishing them. Typos and other errors can make potential customers lose confidence in your product and your business.

When you’re finished entering the product data, scroll down to the ‘Product Short Description’ box and enter a short description of the product. This is optional but can be helpful for customers.

Next, scroll down to the ‘Product Image’ section and click ‘Upload Product Images’.

Here, you can upload one or more images of your product. Be sure to add at least one image so customers can see what your product looks like.

Once you’ve added your images, scroll down to the ‘Product Categories’ section and select which categories this product should be listed under. You can also add new categories here if needed.

Now scroll down to the ‘Tags’ section and add any relevant tags for this product. These are optional but can help customers find your product more easily.

Before publishing your product, be sure to set up shipping and tax options in WooCommerce.
Without these options configured correctly, customers will not be able to purchase your products.

To set up shipping options, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping. Here you can configure shipping zones, rates, and more.
For more detailed instructions on setting up shipping in WooCommerce, see our guide on how to setup WooCommerce shipping zones.

To set up tax options in WooCommerce, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Tax. Here you can configure tax rates and other options.
For more detailed instructions on setting up taxes in WooCommerce see our guide on how to setup WooCommerce taxes.

After you have finished configuring shipping and tax options in WooCommerce, return to the page for adding new products.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Publish’. Your new product is now live on your WooCommerce store!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.