Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Create a Sub Tab in Shopify?

How Do I Create a Sub Tab in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 3:47 am

There are many reasons you might want to create a sub tab in Shopify. Maybe you want to create a separate section for sale items, or for new arrivals.

Or maybe you want to create a tab for each type of product you sell. Whatever the reason, creating a sub tab in Shopify is easy to do.

To create a sub tab, first go to the “Navigation” section of your Shopify admin. Here you will see all of the main tabs that appear on your store’s homepage. To add a new sub tab, click on the “Add menu item” button.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to create a sub tab in Shopify, be aware that this process is not currently possible. While Shopify does allow for the creation of tabs, there is no way to create a sub tab within the platform. This means that any links or content you include in a sub tab will not be accessible to your customers. If you need to include additional information on your Shopify store, we recommend creating a new page or blog post instead.

In the “Menu item name” field, enter the name of your new sub tab. Then in the “URL” field, enter the URL of the page you want to link to. If you don’t have a specific page in mind, you can always link to a collection or product type.

Finally, choose where you want your new sub tab to appear in the “Parent menu item” drop-down menu. If you want it to be a top-level tab, select “Shopify”. If you want it to be a sub tab under an existing tab, select that tab’s name from the drop-down menu.

Once you’ve saved your changes, your new sub tab will appear on your store’s homepage.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.