Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Customize the WooCommerce Checkout Page?

How Do I Customize the WooCommerce Checkout Page?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:56 am

By default, the WooCommerce checkout page is pretty basic. It’s functional, but it doesn’t give you much in the way of customization options.

If you want to add your own branding or style the page to match your store’s design, you’ll need to do some customizations. In this article, we’ll show you how to customize the WooCommerce checkout page.

There are two ways to customize the WooCommerce checkout page: with a plugin or with code. We’ll cover both methods so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

Method 1: Customize the Checkout Page with a Plugin

If you don’t feel comfortable working with code, or if you want a more user-friendly interface for customizing the checkout page, then a plugin is the way to go. We recommend Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce. It’s a free plugin that lets you add, edit, and delete fields on the checkout page.

To use the plugin:

  1. Install and activate Checkout Field Editor.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Checkout Fields.
  3. You’ll see a list of the default fields on the checkout page. To add a new field, click the Add Field button.
  4. Enter a label for the field, choose a field type, and then click Save Field.
  5. Repeat steps 3-5 for each field you want to add.

Method 2: Customize the Checkout Page with Code

If you’re comfortable working with code, then you can customize the checkout page directly. This method gives you more control over your checkout page, but it’s also more technical. We’ll show you how to add custom fields and sections to the checkout page using PHP and action hooks.

Adding Custom Fields to the Checkout Page

checkout_fields[‘order’] as $key => $field ) {

if ( $count % 2 == 0 ) echo ‘<tr>’;

echo ‘<td class=”label”>’.$field[‘label’].'</td>’;

echo ‘<td class=”value”>’.$field[‘value’].'</td>’;

if ( $count % 2 == 1 ) echo ‘</tr>’;

++$count;}echo ” . __(”) . ‘ <span class=”required”>*</span>” . &#039 .

“‘;}”; ?>”/> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
“/> “/>

How Do I Customize The WooCommerce Checkout Page? – Conclusion

In this article we showed you two methods for customizing your WooCommerce checkout page.

The first method is by using a plugin like Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce. This is an easy way to add custom fields without having to touch any code.

The second method is by adding code directly to your theme’s functions.php file or via a custom plugin. This gives you more control over your checkout page but is more technical.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.