Website Building » Wix » How Do I Disable My Wix Website?

How Do I Disable My Wix Website?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:45 am

If you need to take your website down for any reason, you can disable it from your site’s settings. This will make your site inaccessible to visitors and search engines. To disable your site:

1. Log into your Wix account. 2.


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Click Manage Site on the left-hand side of the Editor.

3. Click Settings in the left-side panel.

4. Click the switch next to Disable Site.

5. Click Done.

Your site is now disabled. You can re-enable it at any time by following the same steps and clicking the switch next to Disable Site again.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to disable your Wix website, please be aware that there are some important steps that you need to take first. Failing to do so could result in your website being inaccessible or even deleted.

Before you disable your Wix website, you will need to do the following:

1. Make sure that you have a backup of your website. This is important in case something goes wrong and you need to restore your website.

2. Remove any connected domains from your Wix account. If you don’t do this, your domain could be pointing to a blank page or an error message.

3. Cancel any paid plans or services that you have with Wix. If you don’t do this, you will continue to be charged for them even though your website is no longer active.

4. Contact Wix support and let them know that you are planning to disable your website. They can help answer any questions that you have and guide you through the process.


You can easily disable your Wix website from your account settings. This will make your site inaccessible to both visitors and search engines. To re-enable your site, just follow the same steps and click the switch next to Disable Site again.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.