Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Download a WooCommerce Customer List?

How Do I Download a WooCommerce Customer List?

Last updated on January 23, 2023 @ 9:08 am

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you may want to download a list of your customers at some point. Maybe you want to do some Targeted marketing, or maybe you just need to update your records. Either way, it’s easy to download a list of your customers from the WooCommerce admin panel.

To download a list of your customers:

  1. Log in to the WooCommerce admin panel.
  2. In the left-hand sidebar, hover over WooCommerce, then click on Customers.
  3. At the top of the main Customers screen, click on the Export button.
  4. An Export File Options dialog box will appear. Here, you can choose which customer data fields you want to include in your export file.
  5. For each data field, you can choose one of the following export options:
  6. Do not export: This field will not be included in the exported file.
  7. Export as columnar data: This field will be exported as its own column in the CSV file.

    This is useful for fields like “First name” or “Last name” where you want each customer’s data to be in its own column for easy sorting and filtering.

  8. Export as meta data: This field will be exported as part of the “meta” data for each customer. Meta data is all of the extra information that is associated with a customer record, like billing and shipping addresses, order history, etc. This option is useful for fields that you don’t need to sort or filter by, but that you still want to include in your export file.
  9. “Billing First Name” and “Billing Last Name” fields have a third export option:

  10. “Full name” (default): The “Billing First Name” and “Billing Last Name” fields will be combined into a single “Full name” field in the exported file. Useful if you want to sort or filter by customer name.
  11. “Shipping First Name” and “Shipping Last Name” fields also have this third export option:

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a way to download a list of your WooCommerce customers, beware that this is not possible without a plugin or custom code. While there are some plugins that claim to offer this functionality, they likely do not work as advertised. We recommend against using any of these plugins, as they could potentially lead to your customer data being leaked. If you absolutely need to download a list of your customers, reach out to a developer who can help you create a custom solution.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.