Web Design » Figma » How do I download and install Figma?

How do I download and install Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:10 pm

Figma is a free, open source web application development platform. You can download and install it on your computer by following these steps:

1. Go to Figma.

com and click the “Download” link in the upper-left corner.

2. In the “Download Figma” window that opens, click the “Download ZIP” button.

3. Save the ZIP file to your computer.

4. Unzip the file.

5. Double-click the “Figma” icon that you unzipped in step 4.

6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Figma.

7. After Figma is installed, open it by clicking the “Start” button in the upper-left corner of the window, and then click the “Create a new project” button.

8. In the “Create a new project” window that opens, type a name for your project, and then click the “Create Project” button.

9. The “Project Setup” window that opens displays the basic information about your project.

10. To start working on your project, click the “Start” button in the upper-left corner of the window, and then click the “Edit Project” button.

11. In the “Edit Project” window that opens, you can use the buttons on the left side of the window to change the settings of your project.

12. To download the Figma source code for your project, click the “Browse” button, and then click the “Download” link that opens.

13. After the source code for your project is downloaded, click the “Open” button, and then click the “File” button.

14. In the “File” window that opens, click the “Open Project” button.

15. The “Project Files” window that opens displays the source code for your project.

16. To build your project, click the “Build” button, and then click the “Build Project” button.

17. After the project is built, click the “Open Project” button, and then click the “View” button.

18. The “View” window that opens displays the output of the build process.

19. To download the Figma website for your project, click the “Browse” button, and then click the “Download” link that opens.

20. After the website for your project is downloaded, click the “Open” button, and then click the “File” button.

21. In the “File” window that opens, click the “Open Website” button.

22. The “Website Files” window that opens displays the website for your project.

23. To publish your project to the web, click the “Publish” button, and then click the “Publish Project” button.

24. After the project is published, click the “Close” button, and then click the “File” button.

25. In the “File” window that opens, click the “Close Project” button.

26. To quit Figma, click the “Quit” button in the upper-left corner of the window.

27. After Figma is closed, you can delete the .

Figma file from your computer.


Figma is a free, open source web application development platform that is easy to use and can be downloaded and installed on your computer.

PRO TIP: When downloading and installing Figma, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. If you are not familiar with the process, it is recommended that you seek help from someone who is. Incorrect installation can lead to problems with Figma and your computer.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.