Web Design » Figma » How Do I Download Google Fonts to Figma?

How Do I Download Google Fonts to Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:12 am

There are two ways to download Google Fonts to Figma. The first way is to use the Google Fonts website. The second way is to use the Figma font library.

To use the first method, go to the Google Fonts website and select the font you want to use. Then, click the “+” button to add the font to your collection. Next, click the “Download” button and select “Download your collection”. A .zip file will be downloaded.

PRO TIP: Google Fonts is a free, open-source library of fonts. However, Figma is a proprietary software application and does not support open-source fonts. Therefore, downloading Google Fonts to Figma is not possible and may result in font compatibility issues.

Unzip the file and you will find all the .ttf files for the fonts you selected. Now, go to Figma and click on the “Text” tool. Then, click on the “Add Fonts” button and select all the .ttf files. The fonts will be added to your Figma project.

To use the second method, go to Figma and click on the “Text” tool. Then, click on the “Add Fonts” button.

A new window will open with the Figma font library. Select the font you want to use and click on the “+ Add Family” button. The font will be added to your Figma project.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.