Web Design » Figma » How Do I Enable Vertical Scroll in Figma?

How Do I Enable Vertical Scroll in Figma?

Last updated on December 1, 2022 @ 1:27 pm

Figma is a great design tool that offers a lot of features and flexibility. However, one thing it doesn’t have is vertical scroll. This can be frustrating when you’re working on a design that requires scrolling, such as a website or app.

Luckily, there’s a workaround. With a little bit of HTML and CSS, you can add vertical scroll to your Figma design. Here’s how:

First, open your Figma design in the editor. Then, click on the ‘Code’ tab at the top of the window. This will open the HTML code for your design.

Next, find the ‘body’ tag in the code. This is where you’ll add the vertical scroll. Add the following code to the body tag:

overflow-y: scroll;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;

This code will tell the browser to create a scrollbar when the content in the body exceeds the height of the viewport. The ‘height’ and ‘width’ properties set the size of the scrollable area. You can adjust these values as needed.

Now that you’ve added vertical scroll to your Figma design, you can style the text within it using HTML tags. To do this, simply add the desired tags around your text. For example, to make text bold, you would use the < b > tag like this:

This text is bold

You can also use the < u > tag to underline text, and the < p > tag to create paragraphs. Experiment with different tags to see what effect they have on your text.

PRO TIP: If you are using Figma on a Windows device, you may need to enable vertical scroll in order to use the full range of the software. To do this, open the Figma window and click on the “View” menu. Then, select “Enable Vertical Scroll”. You may need to restart Figma for the change to take effect.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.