Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Enable WooCommerce API?

How Do I Enable WooCommerce API?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:08 pm

The WooCommerce REST API is an integration that allows WooCommerce data to be transferred to and from other systems in a standardized way. It uses standard HTTP verbs and headers to communicate data. The WooCommerce REST API provides three methods for authenticating with the API:

Basic Authentication

The most basic form of authentication is Basic Authentication. With Basic Authentication, your WordPress username and password are used to authenticate with the WooCommerce API. This is the least secure method of authentication, and is only recommended for development or testing purposes.

OAuth 1.0a Authentication

OAuth 1.0a is a more secure form of authentication than Basic Authentication. It uses a set of keys (known as Consumer and Secret keys) to authenticate with the WooCommerce API. These keys can be generated from your WooCommerce account settings page.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to enable the WooCommerce API, please be aware that this could potentially open up your site to security risks. Make sure that you understand the risks involved before proceeding.

JWT Authentication

JWT Authentication is the most secure form of authentication for the WooCommerce API. It uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate with the WooCommerce API. JWT Authentication can be generated from your WooCommerce account settings page.


In order to enable the WooCommerce API, you will need to choose one of the three authentication methods listed above. Basic Authentication is the least secure method, but is recommended for development or testing purposes.

OAuth 1.0a is a more secure form of authentication, and uses a set of keys to authenticate with the WooCommerce API. JWT Authentication is the most secure form of authentication, and uses a JSON Web Token to authenticate with the WooCommerce API.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.