Website Building » Elementor » How do I export an Elementor page?

How do I export an Elementor page?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:22 am

Export an Elementor page as a PDF

To export an Elementor page as a PDF, first open the page in the Elementor editor. Click the “File” menu and select “Export.” from the menu that pops up. In the “Export To” window, select “PDF” from the list of options and click the “Export” button.

PRO TIP: Exporting an Elementor page means exporting the entire page, including all of the content and settings. This can be a good way to move a page from one site to another, but it can also be a bad idea if you’re not careful. Make sure you know what you’re doing before you export a page, or you could end up losing all of your work.

The exported PDF will be saved in the same folder as the Elementor document.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.