Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I export and import products from WooCommerce?

How do I export and import products from WooCommerce?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:32 pm

If you’re selling products from WooCommerce, exporting and importing can be a great way to manage inventory and sales. Here’s a guide on how to export and import products from WooCommerce:

Export products from WooCommerce

To export products from WooCommerce, first make sure you have the WooCommerce Export plugin installed. Then, go to the WooCommerce product pages you want to export, and click the Export button.

On the Export page, you’ll need to provide a destination folder and a product name. The destination folder will be where the exported files will be stored, and the product name will be used as the file name.

Note: You can also export products to a CSV file. To do this, click the Export to CSV button, and provide a destination folder and a product name.

PRO TIP: When exporting and importing products from WooCommerce, it is important to be aware that some data may be lost in the process. This includes product variations, product images, and any other data that is not stored in the WooCommerce database. It is also important to remember to back up your WooCommerce database before performing any export or import operations.

The exported CSV file will include all the product information, including product title, description, stock status, and prices.

Import products into WooCommerce

To import products into WooCommerce, first make sure you have the WooCommerce Import plugin installed. Then, go to the WooCommerce product pages you want to import, and click the Import button.

On the Import page, you’ll need to provide a source folder and a product name. The source folder will be where the imported files will be stored, and the product name will be used as the file name.

Note: You can also import products to a CSV file. To do this, click the Import to CSV button, and provide a source folder and a product name.

The imported CSV file will include all the product information, including product title, description, stock status, and prices.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.