Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Export WooCommerce Customers and Orders?

How Do I Export WooCommerce Customers and Orders?

Last updated on January 20, 2023 @ 11:46 am

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the web. If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you may eventually need to export your customers and orders. There are a few reasons why you might need to do this:

Maybe you’re switching to a different eCommerce platform and need to move your data over. Or maybe you just need to create a backup of your customer and order data. Whatever the reason, WooCommerce makes it easy to export your data.

In this article, we’ll show you how to export WooCommerce customers and orders from your WordPress site. We’ll also share some tips on what to do with your exported data.

How to Export WooCommerce Customers and Orders

WooCommerce makes it easy to export your customers and orders. You can do this from the WordPress admin area.

Simply go to WooCommerce > Settings, and then click on the Export/Import tab. On this page, you’ll see an Export section.

In the Export section, you can choose to export either customers or orders (or both). To export customers, select the “Customers” option from the first drop-down menu. To export orders, select the “Orders” option.

You can also choose whether to export all data or only selected data.

If you want to export all data, simply leave the default “All Data” option selected. If you only want to export specific data, select the “Selected Data” option.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to export WooCommerce customers and orders, please be aware that this process can be complicated and time-consuming. There is no guarantee that all of your data will be exported correctly, and you may lose important information in the process. We recommend that you consult with a professional before beginning this process.

Then, click on the “Export” button. WooCommerce will now generate a CSV file of your customer or order data.
Note: A CSV file is a comma-separated values file that can be opened in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

How Do I Export WooCommerce Customers and Orders?

To sum it up, in order to export either customers or orders (or both), follow these steps:

(For orders): go to WooCommerce > Settings > Export/Import tab > Export section > Orders > (select an option) > Generate CSV button.

(For customers): go to WooCommerce > Settings > Export/Import tab > Export section > Customers > (select an option) > Generate CSV button.

(For both Customers & Orders): (follow steps 1 & 2 above), then select both checkboxes next to Customers & Orders respectively in the Export column header row just below the blue Generate CSV button; then click on said button & wait for file download confirmation message.

(Bonus tip):

  • (Order Statuses): if needing more than Completed, On Hold & Processing statuses for orders in step 2 above, then after clicking on Orders dropdown arrow in second column header row, check desired statuses in pop up window before clicking on Generate CSV button in Step 3 above (repeat as necessary). Statuses available are as follows & their definitions are listed below each status respectively:

A) Pending Payment = Order received (unpaid), no further action required.

B) Processing = Payment received and stock has been reduced–the order is being processed for shipping.

C) Completed = Order fulfilled and complete–no further action required.

D) On Hold = Awaiting payment.

E) Cancelled = Customer cancelled order or it was marked as failed.

F) Refunded = Order refunded by store owner.

G) Failed = Payment failed or was declined (unpaid). Note that this status may not show for all payment methods.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.