Website Building » Elementor » How do I get the theme style in Elementor?

How do I get the theme style in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:22 am

There are two ways to get the theme style in Elementor. The first way is to go to the Theme section in the Elementor settings and select the style you want to use.

The second way is to create a custom style using the Custom Styles section in the Elementor settings.

To create a custom style, first open the Elementor settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. Then, click on the Custom Styles section.

In the Custom Styles section, you will need to create a new style. To do this, click on the Add new style button.

In the Add new style window, you will need to provide the following information:

Name: This is the name of the style.

This is the name of the style. Description: This is a brief description of the style.

PRO TIP: If you are using Elementor, be aware that there is a known bug that can cause your site’s theme style to be applied to your pages instead of the style you have set in Elementor. This can cause your pages to look different than expected. To avoid this, make sure to always check your pages in preview mode before publishing.

This is a brief description of the style. Author: This is the name of the person who created the style.

This is the name of the person who created the style. License: This is the license under which the style is licensed.

This is the license under which the style is licensed. Theme: This is the theme style that you want to use.

After you have provided the information, click on the OK button to save the style.

Now, when you open the Elementor settings, the custom style will be available to use.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.