Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I import a CSV file into WooCommerce?

How do I import a CSV file into WooCommerce?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:23 pm

So you’ve got a CSV file of product data that you want to import into WooCommerce? Great! Here’s how you do it.

First, make sure that you have the WooCommerce CSV Import plugin installed. Once you do, click on the Import button on the WooCommerce CSV Import plugin screen.

Next, select the CSV file that you want to import into WooCommerce.

Next, you’ll need to specify some basic import settings. You’ll need to specify the name of the WooCommerce store that you’re importing the data into, the name of the product category, and the name of the product.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that importing a CSV file into WooCommerce can be a risky process. If not done correctly, it can result in data loss or corruption. We recommend that you backup your site before proceeding.

Finally, you’ll need to specify the amount of data that you want to import. You can either specify the number of products in the CSV file, or you can specify the number of rows in the CSV file.

Once you’ve made all of the settings, click on the Import button. WooCommerce will start importing the data into your WooCommerce store.

Once the data has been imported, you’ll need to review it to make sure that it’s correct. If there are any errors, you can fix them by clicking on the Edit Products button on the WooCommerce CSV Import plugin screen, and then making the necessary changes.

Finally, you’ll need to create the products that are based on the data that has been imported. You can do this by clicking on the Create Products button on the WooCommerce CSV Import plugin screen.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.