Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Insert a Line Break in Squarespace?

How Do I Insert a Line Break in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:00 am

There are two ways to insert a line break in Squarespace. The first is to use the <br> tag.

This tag tells the browser to break the line at that point and start a new line. For example, if you have the following code:

This is some text.
This is some more text.

The browser will display this as:

This is some text.
This is some more text.

The second way to insert a line break is to use the <p> tag. The <p> tag defines a paragraph, and anything between a pair of <p> tags will be treated as a new paragraph. For example, if you have the following code:

This is some text.

This is some more text.

This is some text.

This is some more text.

You can also use the <p> tag to style your text. For example, you can make your text bold by adding the <b> tag, like this:

This is some bold text.

This is some underlined text.

This is some italicized text.

This is some strikethrough text.

This is some subscripted text.

This is some superscripted text..

The browser will display this as: This is some bold text. This is some underlined text. This is some italicized text.

This is some strikethroughtext. This issome subscriptedtext. This issome superscriptedtext..

PRO TIP: When creating content in Squarespace, be aware that adding a line break will create a new paragraph. This can affect the overall design of your page, as well as the spacing of your content. If you are not careful, your line breaks may create a jumbled mess.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.