Hosting » Google Cloud » How do I install SSL certificate on Google Cloud?

How do I install SSL certificate on Google Cloud?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:40 pm

If you are looking to provide a secure connection to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, you can install an SSL certificate. This document describes how to install an SSL certificate on GCP.

To install an SSL certificate on GCP, you first need to create a Cloud Certificate Authority (CA) instance. You can create a new CA instance by following these steps:

Create a Cloud Certificate Authority instance

1. Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console and click on the Create an instance button.

2. On the CA instance page, select the type of instance you want to create. You can create a new CA instance with the following settings:

Name: gcp-ca-1

Location: us-central1

Type: Standard

3. Click on the Create button.

4. On the CA instance page, you will now need to provide a few information about your CA instance.

First, specify the name of the CA certificate to be created. You can use any name you want, but the name must be unique across all GCP accounts.

5. Next, specify the CA certificate keystore.

This is a location where the CA will store the certificate and key files. The keystore must be created before you can create the CA certificate.

6. Finally, specify the CA certificate password.

The password needs to be a strong password and must be different from the keystore password.

PRO TIP: When installing an SSL certificate on Google Cloud, you need to take care to ensure that the correct IP address is specified for the certificate. If you do not specify the correct IP address, your website will not work correctly and visitors will see an error message.

After you have created the CA instance, you next need to create a Cloud Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You can create a new CSR by following these steps:

Create a Cloud Certificate Signing Request

2. On the CA instance page, select the type of instance you created in step 1.

First, specify the name of the CSR to be created. Next, specify the CSR filename.

The CSR filename must be exactly the same as the name you specified when you created your CA instance. Finally, provide the CSR details.

The most important information you will need to provide is the CSR fingerprint. The CSR fingerprint is a unique identifier that you will need to provide to the CA when you request a certificate from them.

After you have created the CSR, you next need to send the CSR to the CA. You can do this by following these steps:

Send the CSR to the CA

4. On the CA instance page, you will now need to specify the email address to which the CSR will be sent. Next, you will need to provide the CSR details. Finally, you will need to provide a verification email address.

This is an email address to which the CA will send a verification email to verify that the CSR is valid.

7. Click on the Send CSR button.

8. After you have sent the CSR to the CA, you next need to wait for the CA to respond.

After the CA has verified the CSR, it will send you a certificate. You can then use the certificate to secure your connections to GCP services.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.