Website Building » Joomla » How do I launch Joomla?

How do I launch Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:55 am

There are a few ways to launch Joomla! You can launch it using your web browser, or you can use one of the many Joomla! installers available. If you’re using a web browser, simply go to Joomla.

com and click the Launch button. If you’re using an installer, follow the instructions that come with it.

Once you’ve launched Joomla!, you’ll be taken to the Joomla! home page. On the home page, you’ll see a list of all the available plugins and extensions.

To find a specific plugin or extension, you can use the search bar at the top of the page, or you can browse the categories on the left side of the page.

Once you’ve found the plugin or extension you want, you can click it to open the details page. This page will show you information about the plugin, including the latest version number and any known issues.

You can also download the plugin from the details page.

If you want to create a new site, you’ll first need to create a new Joomla! account. Once you’ve created your account, you can click the Create Site button on the home page to start creating your new site.

PRO TIP: When launching Joomla for the first time, be sure to take the following precautions:

1) Do not launch Joomla from within an existing website. Doing so could overwrite important files and cause irreparable damage to your existing site.

2) Be sure to have a backup of your website before launching Joomla. This will ensure that you can recover your site if something goes wrong during the installation process.

3) Follow the instructions provided by Joomla carefully. Skipping steps or failing to follow directions could result in a less than optimal experience when using Joomla.

The Joomla! home page also includes a list of popular resources, including tutorials, forum posts, and articles. If you need help with something specific, you can click the Ask a Question button on the home page to get help from the community.

Finally, on the Joomla! home page, you can click the Login button to log in to your account, or the Sign In button to sign in to an existing account. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can click the Forgot Your Password button to get help.

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be taken to the site management page. On this page, you can manage all the aspects of your site, including adding new content, managing users, and setting up your site’s security.

If you want to launch a new site, you can click the New Site button on the site management page, or you can click the Site Builder button on the home page to start creating your new site using the Joomla! SiteBuilder extension.

If you’re having problems with your site, you can click the Report a Problem button on the site management page to get help from the community.

Finally, on the Joomla! home page, you can click the Log Out button to log out of your account, or the Close Site button to shut down your site.

The conclusion to this article is that launching Joomla! is easy! Just go to and click the Launch button, or use one of the many Joomla! installers available.

If you need help, you can click the Ask a Question button on the home page.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.