Web Design » Illustrator » How do I make a calendar in Illustrator?

How do I make a calendar in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:22 pm

An elaborated article about how to make a calendar in Illustrator:

In this tutorial, we will show you how to make a simple calendar in Illustrator. The finished product should look like the image below.

1. First, start by creating a new document in Illustrator.

The size of the document doesn’t really matter, so you can just go with whatever size you feel comfortable with.

2. Next, go to the toolbar and choose the Ellipse tool (L).

Then, use the guidelines that appear on the screen to create an oval shape.

3. Next, go to the Object palette and choose the Text tool (T).

Then, type in the text “January” and press Enter.

4. Next, go to the Object palette and choose the Rectangle tool (R).

Then, use the guidelines that appear on the screen to create a rectangle that is the same size as the oval that you created in step 2.

5. Next, go to the Attributes panel and change the fill color of the rectangle to #F5F5F5.

6. Finally, use the Move tool (M) to position the rectangle over the oval that you created in step 2.

Then, use the Scale tool (S) to resize the rectangle so that it fits perfectly over the oval.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on making a calendar in Illustrator, be warned that the process can be quite involved. There are a number of steps involved in creating a calendar, including setting up the document, adding grid lines, and adding text and images. The process can be time-consuming, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to complete the project.

7. Next, use the Erase tool (E) to remove the rectangle that you created in step 5.

8. Finally, go to the Options bar and choose the Text Edge Style drop-down menu and choose Bevel.

Then, click on the OK button to apply the text edge style.

9. Now, you’re ready to create the calendar itself.

Go to the toolbar and choose the Oval tool (O). Then, use the guidelines that appear on the screen to create a circle that is the same size as the rectangle that you created in step 8.

10. Next, use the Scale tool (S) to resize the circle so that it fits perfectly over the rectangle that you created in step 9.

11. Finally, use the Erase tool (E) to remove the circle that you created in step 10.

12. Next, go to the Effect panel and choose the Blur effect.

Then, use the guidelines that appear on the screen to position the blur over the calendar.

13. Finally, use the Effect panel to change the opacity of the blur effect to 50%.

14. Now, you’re ready to save your document. Choose File > Save As. and choose the PDF format from the list of options.

15. Finally, you’re finished! Your completed calendar should look like the image below.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.