Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Offer Free Shipping on WooCommerce?

How Do I Offer Free Shipping on WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:47 pm

Offering free shipping on your WooCommerce store is a great way to encourage customers to make a purchase. There are a few different ways you can offer free shipping, and which method you choose will depend on your shipping setup and preferences.

One way to offer free shipping is to set a minimum order amount that customers must reach in order to qualify for free shipping. This can be done in the Shipping settings of your WooCommerce store. Simply set the Free Shipping Method to “Minimum Order Amount” and enter the amount that customers must spend to get free shipping.

Another way to offer free shipping is to create a coupon code that gives customers free shipping on their orders. This can be done by going to the Coupons section of your WooCommerce store and creating a new coupon.

Be sure to set the “Free Shipping” option to “Yes” so that the coupon will give customers free shipping on their orders. You can then promote the coupon code on your website or social media channels to encourage customers to use it.

PRO TIP: Offering free shipping on WooCommerce can be a great way to encourage customers to purchase from your store. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before offering free shipping.

First, make sure you have the margins in your product pricing to cover the cost of shipping. Otherwise, you’ll be losing money on every sale.

Second, consider whether free shipping is the best way to encourage sales. sometimes it can be more effective to offer a discount on the products themselves, rather than on the shipping cost.

Finally, make sure you clearly communicate any conditions or restrictions that apply to your free shipping offer. For example, if you only offer free shipping on orders over $100, make sure this is prominently displayed on your website and in your checkout process.

yet another way you could do this, would be by setting up Flat Rate Shipping in WooCommerce. This allows you to charge a single, flat rate for shipping, regardless of the customer’s order size or destination.

To set up flat rate shipping, go to the Shipping settings in your WooCommerce store and select the Flat Rate Shipping method. From there, you can enter the flat rate amount you want to charge for shipping.

You can also offer free shipping by setting up weight-based or class-based shipping rates. This allows you to charge different rates based on the weight or class of the items being shipped.

To set up weight-based or class-based shipping rates, go to the Shipping settings in your WooCommerce store and select either the Weight Based Shipping or Class Based Shipping method. From there, you can enter the different rates you want to charge for each weight or class category.

Offering free shipping is a great way to encourage customers to make a purchase from your WooCommerce store. There are a few different ways you can offer free shipping, so be sure to choose the method that best fits your needs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.