Domains » Namecheap » How do I redirect one domain to another Namecheap?

How do I redirect one domain to another Namecheap?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

If you want to redirect one domain to another, you can use Namecheap’s DNS services. To begin, you’ll need to login to your Namecheap account and select DNS from the menu on the left.

On the DNS page, you’ll see a list of all of your domains, as well as the addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers for each one.

To redirect a domain, simply click on the domain name and select the DNS option from the menu on the left. On the DNS Settings page, you’ll see the primary and secondary DNS addresses for the domain.

PRO TIP: If you are looking to redirect one domain to another on Namecheap, be aware that this will only work if both domains are registered with Namecheap. If you try to redirect a domain that is registered with another company, you will not be able to do so.

Simply enter the new DNS address into the Primary DNS Address field and click Save.

Now, all traffic for the domain will be directed to the new DNS address. To test the redirect, you can visit the domain’s website and see if the website is loading correctly.

If everything is working as expected, you can then delete the old DNS address from the DNS Settings page and Save Changes.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.