Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Resize an Image in Photoshop?

How Do I Resize an Image in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:46 pm

There are a few different ways to resize an image in Photoshop, and the method you choose will depend on what you need to do with the image afterwards. For example, if you’re going to print the image, you’ll need to resize it to the correct dimensions and resolution. Or, if you want to make the image smaller so it’s easier to email or upload, you can reduce the file size.

To change the dimensions of an image (the width and height), follow these steps:

1. Open the image in Photoshop.

2. Select Image > Image Size from the menu.

3. Make sure that Resample Image is checked, and then choose an interpolation method from the drop-down menu. We recommend using Bicubic Sharper for reduction and Bicubic Smoother for enlargement.

4. Enter the new dimensions in either pixels or inches. If you want to maintain the current aspect ratio of the image (so it doesn’t get distorted), make sure that Constrain Proportions is checked.

5. Click OK when you’re done.

To change the resolution of an image, follow these steps:

3. Make sure that Resample Image is unchecked (if it’s checked, uncheck it). This will ensure that you don’t change the pixel dimensions of your image when you change the resolution. Enter a new resolution in pixels per inch (ppi). We recommend using a resolution of 300 ppi for printing and 72 ppi for web use.

You can also enter a custom resolution if needed. 5.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to resize an image in Photoshop, be aware that this may result in the image becoming distorted or pixelated. If possible, try to resize the image using another program before importing it into Photoshop.

So there you have it! Two different ways to resize an image in Photoshop, depending on your needs.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.