Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Temporarily Disable My Shopify Store?

How Do I Temporarily Disable My Shopify Store?

Last updated on January 14, 2023 @ 9:02 am

If you need to take a break from selling or close your store for a short period of time, you can disable it. This will remove your store’s theme and all products from your online shop.

Your domain will still point to your shop, but visitors will see a message saying that your shop is disabled.

If you plan to disable your shop for an extended period of time, we recommend unpublishing it instead. Unpublishing removes your store’s theme and products, but does not remove your domain from Shopify. This gives you the option to reactivate your store at any time without having to set up your shop from scratch.

To disable or unpublish your shop:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > General.
  2. In the Store status section, choose one of the following options:
    • Disable: This option is best if you plan to reactivate or unpublish your store in the future.
    • Unpublish: This option is best if you do not plan to sell from your Shopify store in the future.

Note: If you unpublish your store, then decide that you want to sell again, you’ll need to contact Shopify support to have your store published again.

How do I temporarily disable my Shopify Store?

There are two ways that you can temporarily disable your Shopify Store: by disabling or unpublishing it. Disabling removes your store’s theme and all products from your online shop. Your domain will still point to your shop, but visitors will see a message saying that your shop is disabled.

Unpublishing removes your store’s theme and products, but does not remove your domain from Shopify. This gives you the option to reactivate your store at any time without having to set up everything from scratch. To disable or unpublish go to Settings > General in the Store status section and choose one of the two options.

Disabling is best if you plan on reactivating or unpublishing in the future as this process is reversible. Unpublishing should be used if you do not plan on selling through this domain in the future as this process is not reversible and you would need to contact Shopify support in order to have it published again.

Temporarily disabling or taking a break from selling through Shopify can be done easily by following the steps above. It’s important to note which process is right for you so that you don’t accidentally delete anything that cannot be recovered!

PRO TIP: If you are considering temporarily disabling your Shopify store, please be aware that this will completely remove your store from the internet. All of your products, pages, blog posts, and theme will be unpublished, and your domain will no longer resolve to your Shopify store. Your customers will not be able to visit your store or purchase any products.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.