Hosting » VPS » How do I use a VPN on OVH VPS?

How do I use a VPN on OVH VPS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:22 pm

VPNs are a great way to keep your data safe when using public Wi-Fi networks. By connecting to a VPN server, you create a secure connection to the internet.

This way, your data is protected from hackers and other criminals.

To use a VPN on OVH VPS, you first need to sign up for a VPN service. (Some of our VPN partners have free trial periods, so be sure to check out their websites before signing up.

) Once you have signed up, you will need to set up your VPN connection.

To set up your VPN connection on OVH VPS, first open the Network Manager app. Under the heading “Network Connections,” you will see a list of all the devices on your network.

Select the “VPN” connection from this list.

Next, you will need to enter your VPN’s credentials. You will find these details on the VPN’s website. (For example, if you are using IPVanish, you would enter “IPVanish” as your VPN’s name and “123.456.

78.9” as your VPN’s IP address.).

Once you have entered your VPN’s credentials, you will need to select your VPN’s server. OVH VPS offers a number of global VPN servers.

PRO TIP: If you are using a VPN on an OVH VPS, be aware that there are a few potential risks. First, your VPS could be suspended or terminated if OVH detects that you are using a VPN. Additionally, your IP address could be blacklisted, which would prevent you from accessing your VPS or any other OVH services. Finally, using a VPN on an OVH VPS could slow down your connection speed.

To find the server closest to you, OVH VPS uses a technique called geolocation. This means that the server closest to you will be selected as your VPN’s server.

Once you have selected your server, you will need to click “OK.” Finally, you will need to allow the VPN to access your network.

To do this, open the Network Manager app and select the “VPN” connection. Select “Allow access from network” from the menu bar and enter your VPN’s password.

Now you are ready to use your VPN! Simply open the Network Manager app and select the “VPN” connection. Under the heading “Connections,” you will see a list of all the devices on your network.

Select the “VPN” connection and click “Connect.” Now you will be connected to the VPN and protected from hackers and other criminals.

If you ever need to disconnect your VPN, simply open the Network Manager app and select the “VPN” connection.

Select the “VPN” connection and click “Disconnect.”.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.