Web Design » Figma » How do I use arrow auto plugin in Figma?

How do I use arrow auto plugin in Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:11 pm

Arrow auto plugin is a plugin that helps you to automatically generate arrows and associated interactions from your UI designs. Arrow auto plugin can be found in the Plugins menu in Figma. To use arrow auto plugin, you first need to create an arrow module.

This module can contain any UI elements that you want to generate arrows for. Once you have created the arrow module, you can add it to your design as any other module.

To use arrow auto plugin, you first need to add the arrow auto plugin to your project. You can do this by going to the Plugins menu in Figma and selecting the arrow auto plugin.

Once the arrow auto plugin is added to your project, you will see a new menu item called Arrow. This menu item contains all of the buttons and options that you need to use arrow auto plugin.

The first button that you will want to use is the Generate Arrow button. This button will generate an arrow for the currently selected UI element.

You can also use the Generate Arrow button to generate arrows for all of the UI elements in your design.

PRO TIP: Arrow Auto Plugin is a Figma plugin that automatically generates arrows between objects on a canvas. It is important to note that this plugin is still in beta, and as such, may contain bugs that can cause problems with your design project. Use this plugin at your own risk.

The next button that you will want to use is the Add to Selection button. This button will add the arrow that was generated by the Generate Arrow button to the currently selected UI element.

The last button that you will want to use is the Remove from Selection button. This button will remove the arrow that was generated by the Generate Arrow button from the currently selected UI element.

The next button that you will want to use is the Generate Interaction button. This button will generate an interaction for the currently selected UI element.

You can also use the Generate Interaction button to generate interactions for all of the UI elements in your design.

The last button that you will want to use is the Add to Interaction button. This button will add the interaction that was generated by the Generate Interaction button to the currently selected UI element.

The last button that you will want to use is the Remove from Interaction button. This button will remove the interaction that was generated by the Generate Interaction button from the currently selected UI element.

Once you have used the Generate Arrow, Generate Interaction, and Add to Selection buttons, you will have a complete arrow module. You can now use this arrow module in your design.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.