Website Building » Elementor » How do I use the navigation menu in Elementor?

How do I use the navigation menu in Elementor?

Last updated on December 25, 2022 @ 2:07 pm

In Elementor, the navigation menu provides quick access to commonly used features. To open the menu, click on the three lines icon in the top left corner of the editor window. The following options are available:

1. New Project: This button opens a new project window.

2. Edit Project: This button opens the project editor.

3. About Elementor: This button opens the about Elementor window.

4. Settings: This button opens the Elementor settings window.

5. Help: This button opens the Elementor help window.

6. File: This button opens the file editor.

7. Project Settings: This button opens the project settings window.

8. Upload Files: This button opens the file uploader.

9. History: This button opens the history window.

10. Import: This button opens the import window.

11. Export: This button opens the export window.

12. License: This button opens the license window.

13. Statistics: This button opens the statistics window.

14. Debug: This button opens the debug window.

15. Elementor: This button opens the Elementor main window.

16. Keyboard Shortcuts: This button opens the keyboard shortcuts window.

17. Elementor Settings: This button opens the Elementor settings window.

18. Elementor Shortcuts: This button opens the Elementor shortcuts window.

19. Elementor Preferences: This button opens the Elementor preferences window.

20. Elementor Copyright: This button opens the Elementor copyright window.

21. Elementor Credits: This button opens the Elementor credits window.

22. Elementor About: This button opens the Elementor about window.

23. Elementor Privacy: This button opens the Elementor privacy window.

24. Elementor Terms of Service: This button opens the Elementor terms of service window.

25. Elementor Feedback: This button opens the Elementor feedback window.

26. Elementor Order: This button opens the Elementor order window.

27. Elementor Support: This button opens the Elementor support window.

28. Elementor Upgrade: This button opens the Elementor upgrade window.

29. Elementor Login: This button opens the Elementor login window.

If you need help finding a specific feature, or would like to chat with us, click on the chat icon in the top right corner of the Elementor window.

PRO TIP: Using the navigation menu in Elementor can be tricky. Make sure to use the right settings and follow the instructions carefully. Otherwise, you may end up with a navigation menu that doesn’t work properly.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.