Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix App?

How Do I Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix App?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 5:22 pm

The Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix app is one of the most versatile tools you can use for editing photos. It can be used to remove blemishes, fix imperfections, and even change the color of an object in a photo. Here’s a quick guide on how to use the Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix app:

To remove a blemish:

1. Select the Patch Tool from the toolbar.

2. Select the area around the blemish that you want to remove.

3. Drag the selection over the blemish and release.

4. The blemish should now be gone!

To fix an imperfection:

1. Select the area around the imperfection that you want to fix.

2. Drag the selection over the imperfection and release. The imperfection should now be gone!

3. Invert your selection by clicking on the “Invert” button in the options bar (this will make everything but your selection white).

PRO TIP: The Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix App can be used to repair blemishes or imperfections in photos. However, if used incorrectly, it can also cause damage to the photo. Use the Patch Tool with caution and only on areas that need to be repaired.

4. Now select a color from your image that you’d like to use to replace your selection.

5. With your new color selected, click on the “Fill” button in the options bar and choose “Color” from the pop-up menu.

6. Now deselect your image by pressing “Ctrl+D” (Win) / “Cmd+D” (Mac) on your keyboard and take a look at your new, colorful image!

Conclusion: The Patch Tool in Photoshop Fix app is a versatile tool that can be used for various purposes such as removing blemishes, fixing imperfections and even changing colors of objects in photos.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.