Web Design » InVision » How do sketch and InVision work together?

How do sketch and InVision work together?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:23 pm

Sketching and InVision are both digital prototyping tools that allow designers to create low-fidelity versions of web and mobile designs. Sketch and InVision work together to allow designers to share designs with each other and with clients.

Sketching is a low-fidelity drawing tool that allows designers to quickly create mockUPS and wireframes. InVision is a visual collaboration platform that allows designers to share and collaborate on designs with other team members.

Sketching and InVision can be used in combination to create low-fidelity prototypes. With Sketch, designers can create rough designs and then share them with InVision for further refinement.

PRO TIP: InVision and Sketch are both design tools, but they work differently. InVision is a prototyping tool that allows you to create interactive prototypes of your designs. Sketch is a vector drawing and animation tool. You can’t directly prototype designs created in Sketch in InVision.

This allows other team members to provide feedback and help improve the design.

InVision can also be used to share finished designs with clients. This allows them to see the final product before it is released to the public.

This can help to avoid any surprises and ensure that the design is correct.

Overall, sketch and InVision work together to allow designers to create low-fidelity prototypes and share them with other team members. They can be used in combination to create more refined designs and avoid any surprises.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.