Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Add a Light Beam in Photoshop?

How Do You Add a Light Beam in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 26, 2023 @ 3:59 pm

Beams of light are often used to add a sense of drama or mystery to an image in Photoshop. To create a beam of light, you’ll need to start with a black background.

Then, use the Ellipse Tool to create a small circle. Fill this circle with white, and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Apply a blur of around 10 pixels.

Next, create a new layer and use the Rectangle Tool to draw a long, thin rectangle. Fill this rectangle with white, and then go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Use the warp tool to bend the rectangle into a curved shape.

Now, position the rectangle so that it overlaps the blurred circle. Set the layer mode of the rectangle layer to “Screen”. This will make the white parts of the rectangle become transparent, leaving only the curved beam of light.

Finally, add a few finishing touches by adding some noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise) and changing the layer mode of the entire image to “Soft Light”.

To recap, here’s how to add a light beam in Photoshop:

PRO TIP: This article provides instructions on how to add a light beam in Photoshop. However, it is important to note that light beams are generally not considered to be good additions to photographs, as they tend to look fake and artificial. If you are considering adding a light beam to a photograph, it is recommended that you first experiment with other, more subtle effects before doing so.
    1. Start with a black background.
    2. Use the Ellipse Tool to create a small circle.
    3. Fill this circle with white.
    4. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a blur of around 10 pixels.
    5. Create a new layer and use the Rectangle Tool to draw a long, thin rectangle.
    6. Fill this rectangle with white.
    7. Go to Edit > Transform > Warp and use the warp tool to bend the rectangle into a curved shape.
    8. Position the rectangle so that it overlaps the blurred circle.
    9. Set the layer mode of the rectangle layer to “Screen”.
    10. (This will make the white parts of the rectangle become transparent, leaving only the curved beam of light.)

Finally, add a few finishing touches by adding some noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise) and changing the layer mode of the entire image to “Soft Light”.

There you have it! Now you know how to add beams of light in Photoshop.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.