Web Design » Figma » How do you add a UI Kit to Figma?

How do you add a UI Kit to Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:41 pm

Adding a UI Kit to Figma is a simple process. First, open Figma and click on the File tab.

Under the Files section, click on the Add New Item button. In the Add New Item dialog, select the UI Kit template and click on the Add button.

Once the UI Kit has been added, you will need to copy the files to your project. To do this, open the UI Kit file and select the files that you want to copy.

PRO TIP: Adding a UI Kit to Figma can be tricky and may result in unexpected results. Make sure to backup your file before attempting to add a UI Kit.

Then, click on the Copy button and paste the files into your project.

Finally, you will need to add a reference to the UI Kit in your project. To do this, open the Figma file that you are working on and select the File tab.

Under the Project section, click on the References button and select the UI Kit reference. Then, click on the OK button.

That’s all there is to it! You now have a UI Kit added to your project and can start creating user interfaces using it.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.