Web Design » Figma » How do you create a component in Figma?

How do you create a component in Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:03 pm

Building Components in Figma

Creating a component in Figma is a simple process. First, you need to create a new file in your project and name it accordingly.

For our example, we will create acomponent. Inside thecomponent, we will create our constructor and a few methods.

The constructor will be responsible for initializing our component and setting up some properties. The following code shows how we can create our constructor:

constructor() { this.title = ‘My Component’; this.

message = ‘This is my component!’; this.subtitle = ‘This is a subcomponent!’; }.

The next method we will create is called init . This method will be called once the component is initialized and will be responsible for setting up our component’s properties. The following code shows how we can create our init method:

init() { this.

We also need to create a few methods to handle the various events that our component will trigger. The following code shows how we can create our methods:

handleInit() { console.log(‘Component initialized!’); } handleMessage(message) { console.

log(message); } handleSubtitle(subtitle) { console.log(subtitle); }.

Now that we have our component created, we need to add it to our project. To do this, we will open up the project overview in Figma and select the Components tab.

PRO TIP: When creating a component in Figma, be aware that you may inadvertently create a duplicate of an existing component. This could lead to confusion and inconsistencies in your design.

Click on the Add Component button and select our newly createdcomponent.

Once we have added ourcomponent, we will need to set up some properties for it. To do this, we will open up the component’s properties panel and set up the following properties:

Title : This is the component’s title

: This is the component’s title Message : This is the component’s message

: This is the component’s message Subtitle : This is the component’s subtitle

: This is the component’s subtitle Class : This is the component’s class name

: This is the component’s class name Default State : This is the component’s default state

: This is the component’s default state Initial State: This is the component’s initial state

Finally, we will need to add ourcomponent to our project’s files. To do this, we will open up the project’s files and select the Components tab.

Underneath our newly createdcomponent, we will select the Add Files button and add ourcomponent’s file.


In this article, we have created acomponent in Figma. We have also created a constructor and several methods to handle the various events that our component will trigger.

We have also added ourcomponent to our project’s files and set up some properties for it.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.