Website Building » Shopify » How Do You Create a Product Page in Shopify?

How Do You Create a Product Page in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:59 pm

Adding products to your Shopify store is a key step in setting up your business. A product page is where customers go to learn about your products, and decide whether or not to make a purchase. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a product page in Shopify.

There are two ways to add products to your Shopify store: manually, or using a CSV file. If you plan on adding a large number of products, we recommend using a CSV file. This method is faster and allows you to add more information about each product, such as variants, descriptions, and images.

To add products manually:

1) From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Add product. 2) Enter a name for your product, and then click Save. 3) In the Product details section, enter a description of your product. 4) In the Inventory section, enter the quantity of this product that you have in stock. If you don’t want to track inventory for this product, then leave the Track quantity field blank. 5) In the Price section, enter the price of this product. You can also set a compare at price for this product if you want to display how much customers are saving by buying it from your store. 6) In the Shipping section, enter the weight and dimensions of this product if you want to charge customers for shipping based on its size and weight.

If you don’t need to calculate shipping for this product, then leave these fields blank. 7) In the Variants section, click Add variant and enter the variant details for each option that this product is available in (such as size or color). If this product doesn’t have any variants, then skip this step. 8) Click Saveproduct when you’re done adding variants. 9) In the Images section, upload one or more photos of this product. To upload multiple photos at once, hold down the Command key on a Mac or the Ctrl key on a Windows PC while selecting the photos that you want to upload. You can also drag and drop photos into this section. 10) When you’re done adding images, click Saveproduct again. Your new product will now be visible on your store’s frontend!

PRO TIP: If you are planning to create a product page in Shopify, be aware that there are a few things you need to do in order to ensure that your page is set up correctly. First, you need to make sure that you have a product description. This should include an accurate and concise description of what your product is and what it does. You also need to ensure that you have high-quality photos of your product, as these will be the first thing that potential customers see. Finally, you need to set up your pricing and shipping information correctly, as this will determine whether or not customers purchase your product.

Now that you know how to create a product page in Shopify, you can start adding products to your store! If you need help with anything else related to setting up your shop, be sure to check out our other support articles.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.