Web Design » Figma » How do you document in Figma?

How do you document in Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:52 pm

Documenting in Figma can be a challenge, but there are a few tips that can help. First, it is important to keep your document organized. This means grouping related elements together and creating folders for easier access. Additionally, it can be helpful to use labels to identify different elements.

PRO TIP: If you’re working on a design project in Figma, it’s important to document your work so that you can keep track of your progress and share your findings with others on the team. Here are a few tips on how to document in Figma:

1. When you’re creating a new design, be sure to add notes explaining what you’re working on. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that everyone on the team is aware of your work.

2. As you’re designing, take screenshots or export images of your work so that you can share them with others. This will help them understand your process and give them an idea of what the final product will look like.

3. When you’re finished with a design, export it as a PDF or image file so that it can be shared with others easily. Be sure to include any notes or comments that you have so that everyone can understand your work.

For example, you could label your figure elements with their corresponding caption, or use abbreviations for common terms. Finally, it is important to keep your figures concise and to the point. This means using simple, easy-to-read shapes and fonts, and avoiding unnecessary decoration. In conclusion, documenting in Figma can be a challenging process, but with a bit of organization and labeling, it can be a breeze.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.