Web Design » Figma » How Do You Draw a Wireframe in Figma?

How Do You Draw a Wireframe in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:03 pm

Wireframes are an essential part of the design process, as they help to define the layout and functionality of a website or app. Figma is a great tool for creating wireframes, as it offers a wide range of features and options.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to draw a wireframe in Figma. We’ll start by creating a new file, and then we’ll add some basic shapes to create our layout.

Once we have our layout in place, we’ll add some text and buttons to give it some functionality. Finally, we’ll style our wireframe using the Figma interface.

Creating a new file in Figma is easy – just click on the ‘New File’ button in the top-left corner of the screen. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be presented with a blank canvas.

Now it’s time to start adding some shapes to our canvas. The first thing we’ll need is a rectangle for our main content area.

To add a rectangle, simply click on the ‘Rectangle’ tool in the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, click and drag on the canvas to create your rectangle.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer reflects Figma’s current functionality.

Once you’ve added your rectangle, you can start to add other elements to your layout. For example, you might want to add a header area at the top of your layout.

To do this, simply click on the ‘Text’ tool in the toolbar and then click and drag on the canvas to create a text box. Then, type in your header text.

You can also add images to your layout by clicking on the ‘Image’ tool in the toolbar. Then, click on the image you want to use and it will be added to your canvas.

Once you have all of your elements in place, you can start to style them using the Figma interface. For example, you can change the color of your shapes by clicking on them and then choosing a color from the ‘Fill’ section in the right-hand sidebar.

You can also add strokes and gradients to your shapes by clicking on them and then choosing an option from the ‘Stroke’ or ‘Gradient’ sections in the sidebar.

Finally, you can add shadows and blurs to your elements by clicking on them and then choosing an option from the ‘Shadow’ or ‘Blur’ sections in the sidebar

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.