Web Design » Canva » How Do You Get Gold Glitter Text in Canva?

How Do You Get Gold Glitter Text in Canva?

Last updated on December 9, 2022 @ 3:25 am

HTML is the standard markup language for creating websites and web applications. In order to create gold glitter text in Canva, we’ll need to use the < p > tag, as well as the < b > and < u > tags to style our text.

The < p > tag defines a paragraph, while the < b > tag defines bold text, and the < u > tag defines underlined text. By nesting these tags together, we can create gold glitter text in Canva.

To start, we’ll need to create a new design in Canva. Once we’re in the design editor, we’ll click on the ‘Text’ tab in the left sidebar.

This will bring up a menu of different text options that we can use in our design. We’ll want to click on the ‘Add Heading’ option.

A new text box will appear in our design. We’ll want to type out our gold glitter text here. Once we have our text typed out, we can begin styling it using the < b > and < u > tags. To make our text bold, we’ll need to wrap our text in opening and closing < b > tags.

For example, if we wanted our heading to say ‘Hello, world! ‘, we would type out ‘< b >Hello, world!< /b >‘. To make our text underlined, we’ll need to wrap it in opening and closing < u > tags. For example, if we wanted our heading to say ‘Hello, world! ‘, we would type out ‘< u >Hello, world!< /u >‘.

Finally, to add some sparkle to our gold glitter text, we can use the ‘Text Background Color’ option in the left sidebar. We’ll want to click on the color picker and choose a light golden color for our background. Once we have our background color chosen, we’ll click on the ‘Done’ button in the bottom right corner of the sidebar.

Our gold glitter text is now complete! By using a combination of the < p >, < b >, and < u > tags, as well as the ‘Text Background Color’ option, we were able to style our heading in Canva to create some beautiful gold glitter text.

PRO TIP: Canva is a great way to get creative with your text, but be warned – if you try to add gold glitter text, you may end up with a big mess!
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.