Web Design » Canva » How Do You Highlight Words in Canva?

How Do You Highlight Words in Canva?

Last updated on December 9, 2022 @ 3:30 am

There are many ways to style text on a web page, and the most common methods are to use the < b > and < u > tags. The < b > tag is used to bold text, while the < u > tag is used to underline text. You can also use the < p > tag to add paragraphs, and the < i > tag to add italics.

If you want to highlight words in Canva, you can use the < span > tag. This tag allows you to style specific parts of your text, and it’s perfect for highlighting words.

To use the < span > tag, simply add the “style” attribute to the opening tag. For example:

This text will be highlighted in yellow.

You can also use CSS to style your text. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it’s a language that allows you to control how your web page looks.

To use CSS, you’ll need to create a stylesheet. This is a file that contains all of your CSS code, and it must be saved with a “.css” extension.

Once you’ve created your stylesheet, you can link it to your web page using the tag. This tag goes inside the < head > section of your HTML code. For example:

< head >
< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" >
< /head >

In your CSS file, you can define rules that determine how specific elements on your web page should look. For example, you could create a rule that makes all of the text on your page yellow. To do this, you would use the “color” property like this:

body {
color: yellow;

You could also make specific words on your page bold by using the “font-weight” property like this:

span {
font-weight: bold;

Highlighting words in Canva is a great way to make important information stand out. You can use the < span > tag or CSS to style your text, and both methods are easy to learn. So get started today and see how you can improve your web pages!

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you can accidentally delete words when you are trying to highlight them in Canva. Make sure you know what you are doing before you start highlighting words in Canva.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.