Web Design » Figma » How Do You Make a Wireframe With Figma?

How Do You Make a Wireframe With Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:38 am

Wireframes are a necessary part of the design process. They help designers communicate their ideas to stakeholders and developers, and they help ensure that everyone is on the same page before moving forward with the design.

There are a variety of ways to create wireframes, but Figma is a great option because it’s easy to use and it’s free. Plus, you can use Figma to create high-fidelity prototypes that look and feel like the real thing.

So how do you create a wireframe with Figma? First, you’ll need to sign up for an account. Then, you can either create a new file from scratch or upload an existing file.

Once you have your file open, you’ll want to start by adding some basic shapes. Rectangles are a good place to start, but you can also use circles, triangles, or any other shape you like. Once you have your shapes in place, you can start adding text.

Once you have your basic wireframe complete, you can start adding style. Figma has a built-in design system that makes it easy to add color, typography, and other styles to your wireframe.

When your wireframe is complete, you can share it with others by exporting it as an image or PDF. You can also share it directly with stakeholders or developers so they can provide feedback or add comments.

Creating a wireframe with Figma is a quick and easy way to get your ideas down on paper (or screen). Plus, with the built-in design system, it’s easy to add style and polish to your wireframe so it’s ready for prime time.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, we recommend that you do not attempt to create a wireframe with this tool. Wireframes should be created with a tool that allows you to easily create and manipulate objects on a page. Figma does not have this functionality and as a result, it can be very difficult to create an effective wireframe using this tool.

How Do You Make a Wireframe With Figma?

Creating a wireframe with Figma is quick and easy. Simply sign up for an account, then create or upload a file.

From there, add basic shapes and text to build out your wireframe. Finally, use Figma’s built-in design system to add style as desired. Export your finished product as an image or PDF for sharing!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.