Web Design » Canva » How Do You Share Canva With Someone?

How Do You Share Canva With Someone?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:29 pm

Sharing Canva with others is simple and easy! There are a few ways to do it, depending on what you want to share and with whom.

To share an entire design, click the Share button in the top right corner of the design editor. You can then choose to share by link or by email.

To share only a portion of your design, first select the element or elements you want to share, then click the Share button in the top right corner of the element panel. Again, you can share by link or by email.

PRO TIP: If you are sharing Canva with someone, be aware that they may be able to see your private designs and information. Make sure that you trust the person you are sharing with before giving them access to your account.

If you’re working on a team project, you can also add team members to your design so they can collaborate with you. To do this, click the Share button in the top right corner of the design editor and choose Add people.

Enter the email addresses of the people you want to add, then click Add. They’ll receive an email notification that they’ve been added to the design.

Once you’ve shared your design, anyone with whom you’ve shared it will be able to view or edit it, depending on the permissions you’ve set. If you want to stop sharing your design altogether, simply click the Unshare button in the top right corner of the design editor.

Conclusion: There are a few different ways that you can share Canva with others, depending on what you want to share and with whom. You can share an entire design or just a portion of it, and if you’re working on a team project, you can add team members to your design so they can collaborate with you.

Once you’ve shared your design, anyone with whom you’ve shared it will be able to view or edit it, depending on the permissions you’ve set.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.